Re-incarnation in the Quran – 8



بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ



Rebirth in the Chapter of Raising dead !



 ! الولادة من جدید فی سورة القیمه




There are only two verses in the Quran, related to the creation of human being, there the concept of Sawi سوی is unknown. The first one describes the beginning of the creation of human being in the history. The second one describes the RAISING and RETURNING after death. The following verse is about the creation of human being on the Earth first time:


إني خالق بشرا من طين فإذا سويته و نفخت فيه من روحي

ص – 71,72 

I will create Man from Mud. So when I have developed him to perfection and breathed into him from My Own Spirit.

38. Sad-71,72


Now in order to find the actual meaning of the concept Sawi سوی we need to find other verses. And the following verse gives us a picture where that word has been used:


و بدا خلق الانسان من طین ثم جعل نسله من سلاله من  ماء مهین ثم سواه و نفخ فیه من روحه

السجده – 7 الی 8

And He originated the Creation of Man from Mud, afterwards He fashioned human specy of the essence of a simple fluid, afterwards He made it developed (into a perfect fetus), and breathed from His Own Spirit into him.

32. As-Sajda-7 to 9


As we see the word Sawi سوی is the name of the final stage of the process of fetal development. So in related to the creation of human being, the word Sawi سوی is used for a stage of development AFTER fertilization/union of egg and sperm in the womb and the process for the growth of a complete organism.


أكفرت بالذي خلقك من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم سواك رجلا

الکهف – 37

You disbelieve in Him Who has created you from Dust, afterwards from Zygote (fertilization/union of egg and sperm), and afterwards made you a developed man?

18. Al-Kahf-37


Rebirth in the Chapter Resurrection



As I mentioned earlier there are only two verses in the Quran that the concept of Sawi سوی is unknown. The first one in the “Beginning” of the creation of human being and the second one describes the “Raising and Returning” after death which is the following verses:



لا أقسم بيوم القيامة و لا أقسم بالنفس اللوامة

ایحسب الانسان الن نجمع عظامه بلی قادرین علی ان نسوی بنانه

القیمه – 1 الی 4

O no, by the Day of Raising. And no, by oath of Conscience. Does man assume that We will never assemble his bones? Certainly We are Able to develop his fingertip to perfection?!

75. Al-Qiyama-1 to 4


Interestingly those verses have come in the Chapter/Surah of the RAISING القیمه Qiyamah . And the same Chapter explains what the concept Sawi سوی is:


أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى ألم يك نطفة من مني يمنى ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر و الأنثى 

القیمه – 36 الی 39

Does man imagine that he is to be left to himself, to go about at will? Was he not Zygote which then became a leech-like clot; then developed creature, then it turned from that to the two genders: the male and the female?

75. Al-Qiyama-36 to 39


Let’s put those two groups of verses together in this way:


ایحسب الانسان الن نجمع عظامه بلی قادرین علی ان نسوی بنانه…أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى ألم يك نطفة من منی يمنى ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى


Does man take for granted that We will never assemble his bones? Certainly We are Able to make develop his fingertip perfectly?!…Does man imagine that he is to be left to himself, to go about at will? Was he not Zygote which then became a leech-like clot; then developed creature?!


Interesting to know that the word نُّسَوِّيَ (nuswiyy) in the verse: 4 is in present tense form which implies repetition and continuity. That means this event will NOT be just ONCE, but will be frequent and multiple.




Believe Your Eyes

The Mystery is Solved !


Staggeringly the secret and mystery of how the DEAD will be RESURRECTED/RAISED on the “Day of Judgment” which was hidden for ages, has already been revealed in the Chapter/Surah of the “Day of Judgment” itself !! And UNBELIEVELY the clearest, most important and most definite proof of the RE-BIRTH is found right in the Chapter/Surah of RAISING/RETURNING of the dead or Qiyamah!


And this is exactly in accordance with other verses of the Qur’an which describe the New Creation خلق جدید in the same way as the First Creation:


کما بداکم تعودون

الاعراف – 29

You will return as We initiated you.

7. Al-A’raf-29


و بدا خلق الانسان من طین ثم جعل نسله من سلاله من  ماء مهین ثم سواه و نفخ فیه من روحه

السجده – 7 الی 8

And He initiated the Creation of Man from Mud, afterwards He fashioned human specy of the essence of a simple fluid, afterwards He made it developed (into a perfect fetus) , and breathed from His Own Spirit into it.

32. As-Sajda-7 to 9


أفعيينا بالخلق الأول بل هم في لبس من خلق جديد

ق – 15

Are We finished with the First Creation?! Yet they are in doubt about New Creation. 

50. Qaf-15


کما بدانا اول خلق نعیده

الانبیاء – 104

Man will return in the same way as We initiated the First Creation.

21. Al-Anbiya-104


The Quranic Picture

Inside of the Mother’s womb!


Thus these verses of Chapter the RAISING or Qiyamah reflect the image of the fetal development inside the mother’s womb! 



لا أقسم بيوم القيامة و لا أقسم بالنفس اللوامة

ایحسب الانسان الن نجمع عظامه بلی قادرین علی ان نسوی بنانه

القیمه – 1 الی 4

O no, by the Day of Raising. And no, by oath of Conscience. Does man assume that We will never assemble his bones? Certainly We are Able to make develop his fingertip to perfection.

75. Al-Qiyama-1 to 4


These divine words reflect two stages of fetal development at the time of the “Raising Day” or the “Day of Qiyamah“: The first when the bones will be assembled to build the skeleton of human being. And the last, to develop the fingertip daintily/finely to perfection. 


Finally the Qu’ran itself has guides us into the womb of mother to find the place there dead people will be raised to life again!


Now when we put all these verses we will get a complete image of the Cycle of Birth and Re-birth:


و کنتم امواتا فاحیاکم ثم یمیتکم ثم یحییکم

البقره – 28

And you were dead . The We revived you . Afterwards We take your lives , the We revive you.


ایحسب الانسان الن نجمع عظامه بلی قادرین علی ان نسوی بنانه…أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى ألم يك نطفة من منی يمنى ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوی فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر و الأنثی الیس ذلک ان یحیی الموتی؟!…و کنتم امواتا فاحیاکم 


Does man take for granted that We will never assemble his bones? Certainly We are Able to make develop his fingertip perfectly?!…Does man imagine that he is to be left to himself, to go about at will? Was he not Zygote which then became a leech-like clot; then became a developed creature, then it turned from that to the two genders: the male and the female? Then is He not Able to bring the dead back to life?…And you were dead . Then We revived you! 




The Stage of

Shaping the Image



The following verses reveals another stage of the development of human being which is AFTER the stage of Sawi سوی . It seems that is the complementary stage of fetal development:



يا أيها الإنسان ما غرك بربك الكريم الذي خلقك فسواك فعدلك في أي صورة ما شاء ركبك

الإنفطار – 6,7,8

O Man! What made you arrogant towards your Bountiful Lord Who constructed you, developed you delicately and proportioned you and composed you in whatever image He pleased?!

82. Al-Infitar- 6 t0 8


Then the following verse clarifies that the process of shaping the image take place in the mother’s womb:


هو الذي يصوركم في الأرحام كيف يشاء

آل عمران – 6

It is He Who shaping your image in the wombs whatever He wills.

3. Al-Imran – 6


This is of crucial importance because one might argues that at the time of “Returning” the stage of Sawi سوی might takes place OUTSIDE the mother’s womb. However according to the verses above not only the stage of Sawi سوی as a stage of fetal development takes place inside the mother’s womb but even it requires another stage INSIDE the mother’s womb. The stage of “Shaping of Image” which, at least, can be described as the complementary stage of Sawi سوی as the culmination of fetal development.


Interestingly the following two verses could be understood as Reincarnation:


خلق السموات و الأرض بالحق و صوركم فأحسن صوركم

 3 – التغابن

He created the heavens and the Earth based on the Truth, and He shaped your image nicely ON and ON AGAIN.

64. At-Taghabun-3


يخلقكم في بطون أمهاتكم خلقا من بعد خلق 

الزمر – 6

He creates you in your mothers’ wombs creation after creation.

39. Az-Zumar-6



I am not saying that the two recent verses are about Reincarnation . But we should not only consider what the Quran GIVES but also what it can TAKE! So those two verses have, at least, the potential for the idea of Reincarnation.



Shocking disclosure


the Prophet Muhammad



I would like to end this part with this amazing Hadith of the prophet Muhammad who reveals shocking news related to the ” Verse 104 ” :


يحشر الناس یوم القیامه كما ولدتهم أمهاتهم حفاة عراة غرلا ؛

یلجمهم العرق و یبلغ شحمه الاذن – ثم قراء

کما بدأنا اول خلق نعيده وعدا علینا انا کنا فاعلین

21. Al-Anbiya-104


The Messenger of Allah said: 

People will be raised at the ” Time of the Raising ” in the same manner as their mothers gave BIRTH to them: Barefooted , Naked and Not Circumcised ! And sweat pours out of them so much that it even reaches the soft tissues of the ears. Then quoting the Qur’an:

As We began the First Creation, We shall bring the Man back. This is a promise We have undertaken. Indeed We shall do it.1






Sahih Bukhari/The Book of the Prophets/Hadith Shamara 33494
Sahih Muslim / The Book of Paradise / Hadith 28594
Sunan An-Nasa’i/The Book of Funerals/Chapter of Resurrection/Hadith 20814
Sunan al-Tirmidhi/The Book of Attributes of the Resurrection/Chapter of what

Book name: Jami’ al-Ahadith
Author: Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti

Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya


صحيح البخاري / كتاب الأنبياء / الحديث رقم 3349
صحيح مسلم / كتاب الجنة / الحديث 2859
سنن النسائي / كتاب الجنازات / باب البعث / الحديث 2081
سنن الترمذي / كتاب صفة القيامة / باب ما جاء فی شان الحشر / الحديث 2423

اسم الكتاب : جامع الأحاديث
المؤلف : جلال الدين السيوطي

البداية والنهايه





The End of Part – 8


Reza Asgharzadeh – Iran


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